The Figueroa Wu Family Foundation works for community wellness, targeting hunger, fighting racial and economic inequities, and providing an inviting space for learning and cultural engagement. We address social and health injustices through lenses of empowerment, collaboration, and sustainability.

The Figueroa Wu Family Foundation formed in 2017 after Hurricane Maria annihilated the Caribbean. In 2018, we started a food pantry in Pilsen that has distributed nearly 3,000,000 pounds of food and household supplies to over 50,000 visitors since opening.

Our Foundation aims to advocate for individuals and communities in need, but we cannot achieve our goals alone. Find out how you can help.

Thank you 2023 funders: greater chicago food depository, Irving stern fdn, JBS FDN, builders initiative, northern trust fdn, logan fdn, and PRItzker fdn

Find out about our foundation, mission, our methods, and the results of Alex’s and Evelyn's decades of advocacy.